Author: Peter Valderhaug

  • How to cycle nortropics

    How to cycle nortropics

    Should You Cycle Nootropics? Here’s Why Taking a Break Can Be Beneficial

    With nootropics, consistency is key, but so is balance. Cycling your nootropic supplements can help keep them working for you while supporting your brain’s natural processes in the way it likes best. Here at Nortropics, we empower you for a healthy cognitive life by making informed choices. So let’s go ahead and find out why cycling nootropics, such as our formula Clarity, could be a good choice for long-term results.

    Neuroplasticity and Adaptation: Keep Your Brain Engaged

    The human brain is an amazing organ, ever-changing and rescripting itself in a non-stop process called neuroplasticity. This power of adaptation can be a double-edged sword: the more consistently an ingredient is used, the less sensitive the responding systems in your brain become. Cycling gives your brain some time to reset so that the pathways being touched by nootropics stay sensitive. It’s like allowing your brain a little breathing room so it goes back to gaining from the support Clarity gives when you return to using it.

    Preventing Tolerance: Maximize Long-Term Benefits

    Some nootropic ingredients, such as Rhodiola Rosea or L-Theanine, will lose a little potency over time if taken without breaks. That’s because your body can build up a tolerance to certain compounds with prolonged use. By cycling-whether it’s just taking 1-2 rest days a week, or going on a longer break every few months-you give your system time to reset. That way, when you do come back to Clarity, you’ll feel all of its benefits without diminishing returns.

    Supporting Natural Brain Function: All About Balance

    While nootropics do a great job of improving focus and clarity, it is essential to give your brain space to work naturally. Taking breaks allows your brain to engage in cognitive processes without relying on support, which enables you to stay balanced and resilient long-term. Think of this as training your brain to be strong independently, yet still leveraging the boost when needed with Clarity.

    Effective Ways to Cycle Nootropics

    Cycling doesn’t necessarily need to be that confusing; it’s all about finding what works best for you. A common approach is using nootropics 5–6 days a week with 1–2 rest days, or taking a break of 1–2 weeks after 8–12 consistent weeks. Do what your body tells you.

    We in Nortropics are here to guide you in growth, both in cognitive health and mental wellbeing. Cycling is not about stepping backward; it’s about stepping forward with intention and care toward what your mind is truly capable of.

  • Personal Growth and Embrace change

    Personal Growth and Embrace change

    Personal growth and embrace change means to understand your own behavioral patterns and why you do the things you do.

    Once upon a time, we had patterns that helped us, and then at another point, later in life, those same patterns that helped us, are the beasts that hold us back. For instance, a person may experience a behavior that they don’t like in themselves, perhaps they are afraid of conflict, above average introvertenes, an inability to feel anger or an excessive need for control. Feeling those things are quite normal, and many people spend years in therapy trying to overcome it, while other people live with them, believing that there is nothing to be done. 

    However, in order to have a great relationship with ourselves, we need to look into where those behavioral patterns originated from. We need to do this regardless of how we feel about ourselves because shining a light on all aspects of yourself is a key ingredient in self-development. 

    The secret of our brain

    The most important job of our brain is to keep us safe. A lot of people believe that our brain is helping us to be happy, but it is in fact categorizing information in order to generalize it and make sense of the world around us. It does this to keep us safe and this is where human behavior and self-development becomes really interesting. 

    Imagine a child growing up with parents who have high traits of neuroticism, while being highly extroverted and a low degree of openness to experience, it can be argued that such a person may have very “loud” emotions and an inclination towards keeping safe. A child with parents like this may experience a chaotic environment with lots of emotions and perhaps less room to express their own emotions. 

    One way our brain then operates to keep us safe is to generalize our parents’ behavior and build neurological connections that structure our own behavior in ways that keep us safe around the emotional instability of our parents. 

    Emotional trauma

    For instance, we have a family with a dad who gets extremely angry when the child breaks something, and a mother who gets extremely concerned when the child expresses discomfort. This family could inadvertently create a future adult who expresses an inability to express anger or other emotions, a people pleaser or an above average introvertedness, because keeping safe as a child meant locking away certain emotions as an adult. 

    The behavior that once was designed as a blueprint to protect, now serves as the beast that holds us back from a fulfilled life. 

    The Neuroscience of Behavioral Change

    How do we create real personal growth and embrace change? Real change is deeply rooted in the brain’s ability to adapt and rewire itself. This is a process known as neuroplasticity. When we engage in new behaviors, we create new neural pathways. The behavior you’ve done for years is like a highway, while the new behavior you are just starting out with is like a dirt road right next to the highway. Which road do you think your brain is wired to automatically take? Repetition is the key to building a strong road and by repeating new behavior, the new behavior becomes more automatic over time. 

    Our behavior is often a response to a specific trigger, and when we know that behavior can become automatic, it means that a trigger can create an automatic response.

    Identify triggers

    When you identify and modify these triggers, it can help change the behavior associated with it. For example, if stress triggers emotional eating, finding alternative stress-relief methods can help break this pattern.

    Another way to work on modifying your triggers is emotional regulation. Emotions play a significant role in behavior, and some also say that emotions are the fuel for any behavior. Techniques such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral strategies or specific supplements can help individuals manage their emotions more effectively. This in turn can reduce the likelihood of reverting to the old patterns you want to avoid. 

    Going from blueprint to beast can definitively be a stressful process because it takes courage to explore yourself. Just like some people bring a flashlight when they go down to the basement, it can feel scary to explore some parts of us without the right tools. 

    Explore our cognitive flashlights here.


    The Neuroscience of Goals and Behavior Change (

  • Mental health and behavior

    Mental health and behavior

    Mental health is one of the most searched for terms in 2024 and we at Nortropics are very curious about what mental health really is. There are so many definitions of mental health, but we look at mental health as a concept from different perspectives.

    When considering mental health, we can look at one of the core ideas from coaching and in the realm of behavioral psychology. This idea is “behind every action, there is a positive intention”. It suggests that even behaviors that you feel are negative or destructive are driven by underlying positive motives. Cherishing this idea can be quite transformative, especially when combined with self-love, self-care and having good mental health. 

    The Positive Intention

    Peter, one of the founders of Nortropics, has worked with hundreds of clients one to one and in group settings. He has found that the ones who practice the belief of positive intentions, regardless of the behavior, are also often those who manage to create changes in their private and professional life quicker. Let’s imagine a workplace conflict where two employees or departments argue about the sequence of which to lead a project. For instance, the marketing department is scheduling a campaign and the IT department has scheduled systems downtime. From their own perspective, the intentions are absolutely positive and they are both correct in the fact that the task is important, however, the outcomes may have negative consequences. The outcomes are not what’s important here, we solely focus on the intentions.

    Recognizing the positive intention behind our actions allows us to approach behavioral change and conflict management with empathy and understanding. Instead of condemning ourselves or others for perceived shortcomings, we can look for and appreciate the underlying motives and work towards better suited expressions of the intentions. Doing so will help us feel better about our processes when faced with difficulties.

    Foundations for mental health

    Self-love and self-care are essential tools for a good mental health. They involve treating ourselves with the same compassion and kindness we extend to others. Which in turn is a double-edged sword because in order to express genuine care and love for others we need genuine care and love for ourselves. 

    1. Self-love can be defined as the practice of accepting and valuing ourselves, including our flaws. It involves challenging our inner critic and nurturing a healthy internal dialogue. 
    2. Self-Care can be defined as activities that nourish our mind, body and soul. From having great hobbies to setting boundaries. Self-care is about charging our batteries and preventing burnout. It is a deeply personal journey, tailored to individual needs and preferences.

    A human being who works on their mental health, needs to create a supportive environment in order to grow. This environment also helps us build resilience and to combat stress. One way to begin to create such an environment is to have a specific morning routine that you can do no matter what is knocking at your door. 

    Nootropics in Mental health

    Nootropics is also known as cognitive enhancers and they can play a supportive role when working on your mental health. After all, everyone who has faced severe challenges knows that change is very often associated with stress. Our nootropic supplements are designed to improve cognitive functions such as memory, focus and mental clarity. This can be especially beneficial in managing stress and having an overall more healthy brain activity.

    Nootropics like L-theanine, found in Blue Clarity and Clarity, is known to enhance concentration and memory. While the plant Rhodiola Rosea can have especially good effects on an individual’s stress levels. Such benefits can help a person staying committed to their goals by improving their ability to focus and retain new information. Speaking from personal experience, the number one enemy for change and when achieving great things is stress. 

    On the other hand, nootropics like Ginkgo Bilboa and Lion’s Mane mushrooms have properties that support overall brain health. They do this by protecting neurons from oxidative damage, which in turn can enhance cognitive functions. 

    Nortropics and Change

    It does not matter if you’re looking to performing better at work, if you are an athlete looking for that extra edge or if you’re simply an individual looking to feel better in your day. The products we provide at Nortropics are created especially to help you reach your goals and to help nourish you from your own unique starting point. 

    After all, every journey is unique, but our brain always requires good fuel to get going. Especially when facing changes.


    “Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Types, Dosage and Side Effects of Smart Drugs”


  • Pharmatech, our manufacturer

    Pharmatech, our manufacturer

    Pharmatech is our manufacturer, and we are proud to present them. Once a small factory located at Rolvsøy, outside of Fredrikstad in Norway. Now, they are one of Europe’s largest and most important manufacturers of supplements and natural medicine.

    Quality and transparency is very important to us because we take your health seriously. This is why we decided to partner with a serious actor with over 35 years of experience and a portfolio of more than 1,500 products. After all, we want to be your partner in health.

    This partnership means we can tap into the correct expertise to craft high-quality, innovative products that make a real difference in people’s lives.

    With our partner, we meticulously source the best ingredients, collaborate with scientists, herbalists and nutritionists. This ensures that our products live up to the highest standards. When you choose Nortropics’ Green or Clarity, you can feel certain that it has been crafted with the utmost care and precision.

    We believe in transparency and empowering consumers with knowledge. With this mindset as our foundation, it is our hope that buying a Nortropics product will help your health. Moreover, it also gives you peace of mind because you know exactly where your product comes from.

    Seeing the Pharmatech name associated with Nortropics means you can trust that you’re getting a product that’s been crafted with integrity, backed by science, and designed to help you achieve your cognitive goals.

    Our factory is following GMP, approved by The Norwegian Food Safety Authority and is registered with the FDA.

    So, the next time you shop for a supplement, choose quality, knowledge and transparency. After all, it is your health we are talking about. Your health should be important to you, it sure is important to us.

  • Event: Barskingen – for Trening og Restitusjon

    Event: Barskingen – for Trening og Restitusjon

    Er du på jakt etter en måte å forbedre treningsprestasjonene dine og akselerere restitusjonen?

    Da er Blue Clarity det perfekte tilskuddet for deg! 

    Denne unike blandingen av ingredienser er designet for fysisk og mental prestasjon og restitusjon.

    I et terrengløp må hodet ditt velge beste måte å komme gjennom hinderet på. I tillegg setter et slikt løp store krav til kroppens evne til å prestere. Og det hadde jo vært ålreit å prestere svært godt, hadde det ikke?

    La oss se på noen av ingrediensene

    Beta-Alanin, som kjent fra enhver pre-workout. Beta-alanin er kjent for sin evne til å forbedre treningsytelsen ved å redusere muskelutmattelse. Dette betyr at du kan trene hardere og lengre uten å føle deg sliten. Perfekt for de som ønsker å presse grensene sine og oppnå nye personlige rekorder.

    L-karnitin spiller en viktig rolle i å redusere muskelskade under trening. Dette fører til raskere restitusjon og mindre muskelstølhet etter intense treningsøkter. Med L-karnitin i Blue Clarity, kan du komme deg raskere og være klar for neste treningsøkt på kortere tid.

    Marine peptider er kjent for å støtte muskelreparasjon og gjenoppbygging. Dette betyr at musklene dine kan komme seg raskere etter trening, noe som gir deg muligheten til å trene oftere og mer effektivt.

    L-taurin er essensielt for nervevekst og bidrar til raskere reaksjoner i musklene. Dette kan forbedre generell ytelse på trening, blant annet ved å gjøre musklene dine mer responsive og effektive.

    Magnesium er avgjørende for normal muskel- og nervefunksjon. Det bidrar til å opprettholde muskelstyrke og fleksibilitet, noe som er viktig for både trening og restitusjon.

    Svart hyllebær er full av antioksidanter som beskytter musklene dine mot skade fra frie radikaler under trening. Dette kan føre til kortere restitusjonstid og mindre muskelskade.

    Vitaminer: Energi og Muskelvekst

    B3 (Niacin): Optimaliserer energiproduksjon og ytelse under trening eller konkurranse.

    B6 (Pyridoksin): Nødvendig for å bryte ned glykogen til ATP, som er drivstoff for musklene.

    B12 (Kobalamin): Leverer oksygen til musklene, forbedrer nerveproduksjon og metaboliserer protein og fett for raskere muskelbygging.

    D3-vitamin har en positiv effekt på muskel- og beinvekst, noe som er essensielt for å opprettholde en sterk og sunn kropp.

    Folsyre hjelper kroppen med å ta opp mer oksygen, noe som forbedrer respirasjonen og gir deg mer energi under trening.

    Prøv Blue Clarity i dag og opplev forskjellen selv! Din kropp vil takke deg.

  • Optimal mental wellness

    Optimal mental wellness

    To achieve optimal mental wellness should be an area of focus for every human being on earth. However, knowing what kind of products that help you with your own mental wellbeing can be difficult. It can be difficult because of the wide range of supplements you can choose from.

    At Nortropics, we only sell you products we put in our own body. Actually, we only produce products with ingredients that we know exactly where they come from. That should be a minimum, but unfortunately there are many “producers” of nutritional supplements who imports products from places without any sort of quality assurance, and then they put a cool label on it and sell it as a quality product. 

    This approach was discussed internally because it is a lot easier to make lots of money by importing some product and then just labeling it beautifully. However, we ended up taking a stand against white labeling of potentially unknown products. Which means, we work together with Norway’s biggest manufacturer of medicine and plant nutrition, Pharmatech. Our ingredients are either from Norway or sourced through their ethical quality assurance system. The production facilities are FDA approved and even approved by the Norwegian quality assurance “Mattilsynet”, read more about them here. This is our tip to you: if your favorite brand of nutritional supplements are not transparent on their production of products, avoid them at all costs because you do not know how it is manufactured.

    Our vision

    We want to help individuals to unlock their full cognitive potential and achieve optimal mental wellness. 

    This may sound prestigious, especially since we’re currently a very small company with huge ambitions. In other words, we are the underdog who wants to provide an alternative to big pharma. 

    As you can read in the post from our co-founder, our vision is fueled by personal transformation. For this reason, we wholeheartedly believe that most humans today are not even close to fulfilling their potential. To fulfill this vision, we have chosen an approach that includes education and cognitive training in addition to our products. 

    Holistic approach to mental health

    Taking nutritional supplements such as nootropics is a great way to help your brain feel better and when combined with techniques and knowledge, we believe this is the way to reach a holistic approach to mental wellness. 

    It would be awesome to have you join us for this journey. Whether you are seeking to enhance your cognitive abilities, improve your mental wellness, or simply curious about the potential within, Nortropics want to be your partner in this exploration.

  • What is nootropics?

    What is nootropics?

    Imagine sipping your morning coffee, feeling the familiar surge of alertness and clarity washing over you. What if we told you that you’re already taking advantage of a nootropic, perhaps without even knowing it? Nootropics, or “smart drugs,” enhance cognitive functions such as memory, creativity, and motivation in healthy individuals. At Nortropics, we believe in cognitive enhancement, and we want to make it available for all, not just for the select few.. Whether it’s through a simple cup of coffee or specialized supplements, nootropics are a key to unlocking an optimized mental state.

    A Brief History of Nootropics

    The journey of nootropics began thousands of years ago with ancient civilizations using herbs and natural substances to improve memory, focus, and mental clarity.

    The inception of modern nootropics can be traced back to the 1960s when Romanian psychologist and chemist Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea synthesized Piracetam. Derived from the neurotransmitter GABA, Piracetam was the pioneering compound to be formally recognized as a nootropic.

    Coined from Greek, “nootropic” literally means “to turn the mind,” a fitting tribute to their purpose. This groundbreaking discovery opened the gates to exploring various substances, leading to the wide array of nootropics available today. From these early steps, the quest for cognitive enhancement has grown, with each discovery building on the last, paving the way for modern companies like Nortropics to explore the vast potential of these smart drugs.

    How Nootropics Work

    At their core, nootropics enhance cognitive functions by interacting with the brain’s complex systems. Potential benefits are, increased neurotransmitter activity, improve blood flow to the brain, and support brain cell health, thus enhancing memory, focus, and problem-solving abilities. This interplay between nootropics and the brain is not just about boosting performance; it’s also about nurturing cognitive health. By supporting various aspects of brain function, nootropics offer a promising avenue for not only enhancing mental acuity but also for maintaining cognitive well-being over time.

    Natural Enhancers

    Within the diverse world of cognitive enhancers, natural nootropics stand out for their gentle approach to boosting brain function. Lion’s Mane, a mushroom revered for its neuroprotective properties, and marine peptides, derived from fish and other sea life, exemplify the power of nature in supporting cognitive health.

    Lion’s Mane: This unique mushroom has shown promising results in stimulating nerve growth factor (NGF) production, essential for the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons. By enhancing NGF, Lion’s Mane not only supports cognitive functions such as memory and concentration but also offers potential in repairing neurological damage and slowing cognitive decline. Its neuroregenerative capabilities make it a fascinating subject of study for those interested in natural cognitive enhancement.

    Marine Peptides: Extracted from Norwegian fish, marine peptides are gaining attention for their brain-boosting potential. Rich in amino acids, these peptides support brain health by enhancing brain plasticity, the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections. This adaptability is crucial for learning, memory, and recovery from brain injuries. Moreover, marine peptides have been associated with reduced inflammation and improved blood flow to the brain. This supports cognitive function and overall brain health.

    The power of natural nootropics like Lion’s Mane and marine peptides lies not only in their cognitive-enhancing abilities but also in their safety profile. With minimal side effects and a host of additional health benefits. These natural substances offer a compelling option for those seeking to maintain cognitive function and support brain health. We are dedicated to exploring the full potential of these natural wonders. For this reason, we offer products that harness their power for your cognitive enhancement journey. 

    To discover more and explore our products visit our shop

    Nootropics in Daily Life

    Integrating nootropics into daily life has become increasingly mainstream, reflecting a growing public interest in self-optimization. There are many stories of individuals leveraging nootropics for an extra edge in their cognitive tasks. For instance, a graphic designer might start her day with a Nortropics blend designed to enhance creativity. On the other hand, a university student could rely on a supplement to support long study sessions. These examples highlight the versatility of nootropics. And also their potential to be tailored to individual needs and lifestyles, making cognitive enhancement accessible to all.

    Choosing the Right Nootropic for You

    Navigating the world of nootropics can be daunting, given the sheer variety available. And you should consider individual goals (e.g., improved memory, enhanced focus), lifestyle needs, and any existing health conditions when you are choosing a nootropic. Consulting with healthcare professionals is essential to ensure the chosen nootropic aligns with one’s health status and cognitive enhancement goals. At Nortropics, we want to help you, whether you’re new to nootropics or looking to refine your cognitive enhancement strategy. Our goal is to be your partner and offer you high-quality, research-backed options that prioritize cognitive health and well-being.

    Conclusion: Embracing Cognitive Enhancement

    Nortropics is a new company and we are started by individuals who are passionate about cognitive enhancement. We believe that by understanding substances from everyday coffee to specialized supplements, we can make a strong positive imprint on the field of cognitive health and mental performance. Feel free to sign up to our newsletter below and get a 10% discount on your first order. Ultimately, we can’t promise you happiness, but we can provide insights and products that could help you achieve it. 

    Explore our shop and discover the right nootropic for you.