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Blue Clarity
- Reduce brain fog
- Increase energy and productivity
- Laser-sharp focus
- Perform at your best
- Sleep better
Blue Clarity is a nootropic supplement produced in Norway, designed to support overall health, and enhance mental clarity, focus, and mental agility.
Blue Clarity is the solution for you
Sale ends 30.jan 2025
Buy the perfect gift for
you and someone you care about
Buy a bundle now to get bonus items:
- Our first E-Book: 30 day guide to be more clear
- A Special Coupon Code of 25% on your next order
- You get to support us in our work for a better potential! <3
*Limited time and stock!
Offer ends 30.jan 2025 or when sold out
Key benefits

Clarity is achieved through a special blend that helps neural health and cognitive function.
L-theanine promotes relaxation without drowsiness, helping to clear mental fog and improve clarity.
Acetyl L-Carnitine boosts energy and has brain cell supporting functions.
Marine Magnesium aids in maintaining optimal brain function. Together they enhance your mental clarity.

Focus is amplified by Blue Clarity because of the synergistic effects of ingredients that enhance concentration and reduce mental fatigue.
L-theanine and GABA work together to help you feel relaxed, focused and lower general anxiety.
Beta-alanine supports the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time.

Mental agility
Mental agility is experienced through ingredients that supports quick thinking and adaptability.
L-serine has a crucial part in brain functions which aids cognitive flexibility.
Norwegian Marine Peptides are rich in amino acids that support neural repair and brain health.
Combined with Acetyl L-Carnitine, Blue Clarity contributes to improved mental stamina, enabling quicker cognitive responses.
Only natural ingredients
Feel relaxed in your mind, solve problems and learn quicker.
Helps your mind become flexible and gives you mental clarity.
Helps you feel relaxed without feeling drowsiness and is good for your focus.
Acetyl L-Carnitine
Increases your energy and supports your brain cells.
Main ingredients
Hydrolyzed marine peptides
Derived from Norwegian fish, these peptides are small proteins that are easily absorbed and may provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. They are commonly used to promote skin health, improve hydration and elasticity, and are also believed to help with muscle recovery and joint health.
An amino acid involved in the synthesis of proteins, and it plays a role in brain function and mental health. It is vital for cognitive function and nerve cell health, and it also contributes to the production of cell membranes, DNA, and various neurotransmitters.
An amino acid commonly found in tea leaves. It promotes relaxation without drowsiness and is known to improve focus and alertness, often used to alleviate stress and boost cognitive function.
Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extract
Lion’s mane is a medicinal mushroom celebrated for its potential neuroprotective benefits. It contains compounds that can stimulate the growth of brain cells and may improve cognitive function, memory, and mood.
Black elderberry extract
Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, black elderberry extract is traditionally used to support immune health. It may reduce the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms and is also noted for its anti-inflammatory properties.
An essential amino acid found in various tissues and particularly abundant in the brain, retina, heart, and blood cells. It has various functions, including bile salt formation, eye health, heart function, and as an antioxidant, potentially aiding in athletic performance and cardiovascular health.
What people are saying
Fra skeptiker til fast bruker
– en positiv overraskelse!
Jeg var skeptisk da jeg først hørte om dette produktet. Jeg er ikke typen som kaster meg på trender, men etter måneder med overgangsplager, dårlig søvn og “hjernetåke” som gjorde det vanskelig å lære nye ting, bestemte jeg meg for å prøve.
Jeg tenkte: “Hva har jeg å tape?“
Det jeg ikke hadde forventet, var hvor stor forskjell det faktisk gjorde! Hjernetåken lettet, og ny lærdom festet seg mye lettere. Jeg følte meg mer til stede, våken og mindre sliten når dagen var over.
Smaken var også en hyggelig overraskelse – deilig blåbær med en søt undertone. Det ble raskt en fast følgesvenn, spesielt når jeg trengte “litt ekstra” for å fokusere på studiene. I tillegg opplevde jeg at overgangsplagene ble lettere å håndtere.
Dette produktet har virkelig vært en game changer for meg, og jeg er så glad for at jeg tok sjansen. For deg som vurderer å prøve det, kan jeg bare si: Det kan virkelig være verdt å prøve!

Nortropics have helped to lower baseline stress levels. When stressful events happen I can feel my body brace less than it normally would.
- These benefits have a ripple effect, as the lower baseline stress also leads to improved sleep quality, better and deeper breathing, and a general sense of calm.
- These benefits connect to overall physical and mental health many ways..
- Erik S. DeClerk – Project Delivers Specialist Deloitte
“Jeg opplevde en merkbar forbedring i både konsentrasjon og hukommelse, noe som ga meg den ekstra kognitive boosten jeg trengte.”
“I think it is a very good replacement for energy drinks and caffeine, which can make me feel a bit “shaky.” Here, I get a “boost” without becoming anxious.”
“Game Changer!!! I am very glad I discovered this because it improves my energy levels, even on tough workdays with a lot of stress and long meetings.”
“Nå merker jeg betydelig bedre energi og et jevnere overskudd gjennom dagen. Fokuset når jeg jobber er bedre, og jeg har mer overskudd til trening og til å ta valg som gir meg en mer balansert hverdag.”
Say hello to our friends!
We love learning and listening to great stories. This holiday season, we recommend enjoying a warm or refreshing drink while tuning into our favorite podcasts!

Dette er en fantastisk podcast
laget av Christina Bruu.
Hun er coach og en forkjemper
for mental velstand som viser
frem fantastiske mennesker
som har interessante historier
og reiser fra livet.

Med den tidligere fastlegen og
hjerneforskeren Ole Petter Hjelle
og proffsyklisten Mads Kaggestad.
De gir deg innsikt i hverdagshelse
og mange spennende temaer som
hjelper deg til bedre mental

Tips om mental helse på en enkel
og forståelig måte.
Jimmy Westerheim inviterer deg
inn i fantastiske tanker om
temaer som vanligvis kan være
litt vanskelig.

Handler om hvordan man kan bruke
kosthold, livsstil og tilskudd til å
skjerpe sinnet.
Dette inkluderer diskusjoner rundt
nootropics, ernæring, helhetlig helse
og velvære, biohacking, trening og
mye mer.
Hurry up and make a good choice. This offer will never come back.
After this sale, Blue Clarity is gone forever.
END OF year

Help us make room for the new era
If you’re a blue clarity enthusiast this is your chance to stock up

X-Mas Special Offer:
1 Blue Clarity + Bonus items
559 NOK
- Blue Clarity at 20% Discount
- Bonus items
699 NOK

The X3 bundle pack:
3 Blue Clarity + Bonus items
1,499 NOK
- 3 Blue Clarity at 28% Discount
- Bonus items
2,097 NOK

The X5 bundle pack:
5 Blue Clarity + Bonus items
2,399 NOK
- 5 Blue Clarity at 31% Discount
- Bonus items
3,495 NOK

The X7 bundle pack:
7 Blue Clarity + Bonus items
2,999 NOK
- 7 Blue Clarity at 38% Discount
- Bonus items
4,893 NOK

The X10 bundle pack:
10 Blue Clarity + Bonus items
3,999 NOK
- 10 Blue Clarity at 42% Discount
- Bonus items
6,990 NOK

The X20 bundle pack:
20 Blue Clarity at our best discount ever!
+ Bonus items
5,499 NOK
- 20 Blue Clarity at 60% Discount
- Bonus items
13,980 NOK