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Tag: brain fog
From anxiety to balance – Hear from our customers
Life consists of ups and downs and this is my story on how I went from anxiety to balance. You have your everyday normal challenges like work and family life, while trying to balance a healthy lifestyle. But throughout life, you will experience life altering events.
A life altering event can be highly positive – like having a child. It can also be highly negative – like experiencing a serious trauma. But no matter which end of the scale you are balancing on, it will change your life forever. What if I told you, there is a product that can take you from anxiety to balance?
About the Author
This article is written by me – a 35-year-old woman, a registered nurse in Norway. The trio from Nortropics has developed a product called ‘Clarity’ and I have been using it since mid-March 2024.
That means I’m now nearly 6 months into this new life I’m living, thanks to their product! There is only need for one sentence for me to describe what I mean by living a new life;
– I didn’t know I could live a life without severe anxiety.
But is it that simple? Yes and no, of course – as everything else in life. What I actually can promise you though, is that I feel different and exclusively for the better since I introduced ‘Clarity’ as a daily routine. I have noticed a remarkable difference both in my physical and mental health since I started to consume this product every single day – even though the nurse in me was highly skeptical. I mean, that skepticism is literally part of my job. But no matter what curve ball life throws my way, this change is here to stay. I found something that took me from anxiety to balance.
If this made you curious, but not yet convinced – let me give this article more depth. I would like to tell you the reason why my life mostly has consisted of severe anxiety and depression.
Trauma and mental illness
As an adult woman, I was diagnosed complex post-traumatic stress disorder (cPTSD), in my late 20’s.
In reality, I have most likely had the diagnose since early teen-age years, because that’s when the symptoms first occurred. But as a lot of traumatized people in this world – I suppressed it all. cPTSD can be developed by many different kinds of trauma, but mine in particular was developed after years of mental abuse – alongside with violently sexual abuse as a child. The reason why I have decided to include this part of my life in this article, is because sadly – a lot of people all over the world experience the same kind of trauma as me. An experience like this in life will make a huge impact, but no matter how big of an impact – I am here to tell you that there is hope to regain your freedom.
To heal.
And again, I feel the urge to mention ‘Clarity’ and tell you that this product has positive effects on my mental state. It really helped me go from anxiety to balance. I don’t remember much of my life before the trauma occurred, so I would have to say that I only remember a life existing of severe anxiety and depression – a consequence from cPTSD.
I can’t remember a life without planning every single minute of my whole day, weeks ahead – medicated on maximum dosage of antidepressants. And even then, my everyday life consisted of me barely existing between my home and my job.
I purposely write ‘existed’, because that’s exactly what I did. I haven’t been living for 35 years. No excitement, not thriving – just simply surviving each day.
Until now.
Heading for disability benefit
It takes three years to get a bachelor’s degree as a registered nurse. Because of my mental health – I used almost 5 years. And because of cPTSD my whole life has been like this. Over time, I have never functioned both at home and at work at the same time, leading up to needing sick leave at least once a year. To be honest, I was heading for disability benefit.
Then I came across one of the co-founders of Nortropics – Stian Sandåker.
Until this point, I was convinced that my mental health was at a dead end. After three rounds of trauma-specific therapy, I had been told several times that I would never function better.
Then I was introduced to hypnotic therapy and the product I highly recommend; Clarity.
Hypnotherapy and Clarity
As mentioned, Stian Sandåker introduced me to the product Clarity, but he also introduced me to hypnotic therapy. The nurse in me didn’t really believe that any of it would make a difference in my life. The little girl in me was scared, and the woman in me was exhausted, grasping at the last straw of hope.
And all three versions of me mentioned, is extremely thankful for and still trying to comprehend this lifechanging product. The hypnotic therapy has been used to access my subconscious mind, altering how my conscious mind experience life – experiencing the world as most people do.
However, Clarity has really upped the game on this one.
At first, I didn’t really notice any difference, but I didn’t know what I was supposed to notice. I had no idea what to expect. And suddenly it hit me. What I would describe as brain fog, suddenly felt lifted. Like a layer of ‘mush’, just washed away. Like i slowly began going from anxiety to balance.
My everyday life has been exhausting up to this point, not because I live a busy high-intensity life, because I am absolutely not. It has simply been exhausting because my brain hasn’t been functioning at the right level, consumed with anxiety.
You know when you are reading a book, and all of a sudden you have read the same sentence, ten times for the past twenty minutes? Well, that’s one way to describe how my brain normally has been functioning throughout the day. And then of course, the anxiety came on top of that.
Little by little, both me and the people around me noticed the change. I stopped being constantly alert, scanning each room ten times before feeling somewhat safe, stopped giving out cold vibes. I used to feel terrified and hoped people would leave me alone and now i felt balanced.
Little by little, I stopped being scared of being alive.
mental Clarity
At first, I used Clarity twice a day to balance my mental health. I could still experience panic-attacks and anxiety, because let us be honest – nothing is ever done in a day. Change takes time and effort, but Clarity has really made it easier. Clarity helped me go from anxiety to balance.
Now, 6 months later – I use Clarity once a day, and that’s it. I have been followed up by my doctor, and I can proudly say that for the first time in my life since I was a young teenager, I am not using any medicine. From maximum dosage of antidepressant to nothing but Clarity.
After six months of using Clarity, I notice the difference within an hour after consuming it. I feel calm, I feel focused and more energized. And all of those effects mentioned, complement each other.
Brain fog
To explain further – when I don’t have brain fog, I can focus. When I focus, I don’t use a lot of energy thinking negative thoughts about myself or my capability, and my thoughts doesn’t wander. When I don’t use a lot of energy thinking negative thoughts, I of course feel more energized and overall satisfied. On top of that, I haven’t even mentioned the ingredients in Clarity which itself gives you more energy.
The biggest single impact of Clarity’s function I have experienced, happened when I was going on vacation. I can’t express it clearly enough – I am scared to death by riding on a plane. This time I had a better mental health than ever, using Clarity on a daily basis. In the late evening before the plane ride, I started feeling anxious.
Not anxiety, not deeply scared, but really uncomfortable. Trying to distract myself with reading, watching TV and doing crossword puzzles. Nothing worked and I decided to give Clarity a chance – knowing its function. And still, it took me by surprise! Only ten minutes after consuming, the anxiousness was completely gone and it was like an immediate transformation from anxiety to balance.
100% gone. I relaxed doing crosswords puzzles, not giving the upcoming plane ride one single thought.
How about that kind of focus, right?
physical Clarity
We all know that physical pain can make it more difficult to grow and begin this journey from anxiety to balance. And alongside with better mental health and capacity, Clarity will also make a difference in your physical health. I would especially like to mention my psoriasis, a skin condition resulting in itching, stinging and bleeding dry patches all over the body. I have had especially five patches on my body, giving be grief for at least two decades. The most exposed patch of psoriasis has been placed over the knuckles on top of my hand. It’s exposed for a lot of water and moist throughout a work shift as a nurse. This has resulted in a huge cracked patch of constantly irritated and infected skin. I have tried several types of medicine treatments, but nothing has ever worked more than a couple of weeks straight.
My psoriasis patches are gone. All you see is where it used to be, because the scarred tissue has a different color than the rest of the skin.
Other changes that Clarity can provide you with, that I have experienced myself, is painful joints and severe pain in scars. I have even been so lucky to have experienced the absence of a kind of pain only some people with a uterus can relate to – the pain of adenomyosis.
Woman health is still kind of a mystery in this world, because the research has been less prioritized. I just cannot express enough how thrilled I am to live a life without the severe pain that you can getfrom having adenomyosis.
When life gives you Clarity
I can still experience days when I struggle to comprehend the huge impact Clarity has had in my life.
But trust me, I am a 100% sure that this product works and this is why.
I have had a couple of days this past 6 months where I have forgotten my daily doses of Clarity and I immediately notice a difference. Only a week ago, I forgot it for three straight days and I didn’t really understand why I felt so different. I didn’t feel depressed or anything, but I just didn’t feel like the best version of me anymore. Tired and kind of awkward, less energy and just weirded out. Luckily all I needed to do was starting consuming Clarity again, and the same day I was back as the best version of me.
Do you still wonder if Clarity is a product for you?
How could it not? Let me break it down for you and perhaps you also can begin your journey from anxiety to balance.
Clarity for life
I have shared with you about my trauma, singlehandedly because I want to tell the tale of hope. If
you are holding on to hope, this product might be what you need for your journey.
- If you are going to therapy, using Clarity can help you to focus on the conversation and keeping a clear mind throughout the day. It can help you keep calm and prevent the fatigue a lot of people experience after a tough session.
- But those effects can transition to every aspect of life, no matter what your job is, no matter how a normal day looks like for you.
- If you are a parent and long for more energy after work to follow up on your children’s after-school activities, Clarity may help you with that. Or if you have to help your child with homework, which is way more demanding after a long day.
- If your job demands a lot of energy from you, staying alert and on the top of your game, Clarity would give you that extra boost. Delivering like never before.
- Is your talent your job or hobby – writer, musician or some other kind of artist.
- Does a day filled with anxiety that steals all of your energy sound familiar? I am living proof that Clarity helps you to stay calm. Helps you focus on the healthy thoughts and believe what the logical part of your brain is telling you – not what your anxiety is shouting at you.
- Are you an athlete, looking for something excelling your restitution? Helping you ace your game in your sport genre?
- Have your own anxiety to balance journey.
Do you see where I am going with this? Clarity can boost your life for the better, no matter what it
looks like. You can even experience all of the versions of life I just mentioned. I know I have.
I have experienced the benefit of using Clarity as a parent, as a nurse, for my therapy sessions and in
my hobbies which are combat sport and drawing.
Let me just remind you, we are all human. There is no miracle cure for the perfect life. No matter how
well you are doing in your life, you will have days that is just not for you. My traumatic past cannot be undone. Life altering events cannot be undone, but it all can be changed for the better.
If you are ready to change the way you live your life, the products from Nortropics are there to help
you excel in life.
I am no longer the old version of me, the one broken to pieces – both mentally and physically. I am
not even the original version of who I turned out to be, free from anxiety.
I am the very best version of who I can possibly be.
So can you.
Anne Marlene Lauli
Nortropics disclaimer: This is solely a user generated review of our product Clarity. No supplements should ever be taken instead of medicine, nor should this article be considered as health advice. All statements in this article is a subjective experience from one happy customer.